Approximately two thousand years ago the original Church movement was started. They were in one accord in prayer and supplication. The movement was original and unique. Jesus spoke directly in the flesh.The Independent Baptist Movement
A Commentary
by Preston Laughinghouse, Sr.      (printer friendly version)

Foundation Scriptures
I Tim 3:15            Church is pillow of truth
II John 4-6            Walking in truth
Proverbs 23:23        Value of truth
I Cor 14:8            Church must give a certain sound

Approximately two thousand years ago the original Church movement was started. They were in one accord in prayer and supplication. The movement was original and unique. Jesus spoke directly in flesh. All 120 were in obedience. From this original movement hundreds of movements have occurred. Acts 1-2.

There are natural and spiritual laws. The natural law of entropy states that order within time will become disorder. Jesus is same yesterday, today and forever. Heb 13:8. The church has evolved into the sad state it is in today. In most movements the emphasis shifts from glorifying God to glorifying a person or organization. Is there any local New Testament church with 120 members in one accord as Pentacost? Are there 120 people in the world with the power that was at Pentacost? Christ loves the church, even with its current disorder. The church can be contaminated with world and various movements, but thanks for washing of water by the word. Eph 5:26-27.

In the April 18, 2008 issue of “Sword of Lord” introduced the Independent Baptist Movement. The central issue is who Christians should fellowship with. Should we fellowship with someone who is weak in faith? Do we criticize one for having different beliefs on minor doctrine? Rom 14:1-4. Are we to judge another mans servant? Is Christ the Son of Man? Are we the servants of Christ? Any Christian who wants to judge another Christian or denomination please read. Matt 7:1-5.

Dr. Smith quotes Gal 6:1. What is the fault? Is it doctrine or carnal sins? Please read Gal 5:20-21.

Dr. Smith believes major issues of doctrine can and should bring separation. What are the major doctrines? Dr. John R. Rice, in his book “False Doctrines” gave a list. He said, “I do not object to the fact that you differ with me on some matters, and I hope you will not object to the fact that I, as a Christian brother, differ on some matters of interpretation of the Bible. But, at least, you and I ought to agree on the deity of Christ, the blood atonement, the Virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the need to be born again, Heaven and Hell, and such matters”

Do the Southern Baptist hold to these doctrines? I believe they do and therefore we are in one accord.

Dr. Smith quotes Amos 3:3. The question is, agree on what? Enoch walked with God. Gen 5:24. Did they agree? One was sinless God. One was a sinner with carnal nature in need of a savior. They agreed on a final destination. Can you walk with a born again Christian, whose final destination is Heaven? If not, are you going in the right direction? There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end there is death. We serve a jealous God; be careful how you treat His children. There is no shortage of milestones. Matt 18:6.

Dr. Smith uses I Cor 1:10. This seems like an early movement causing division. This scripture reminds me of the Church today. Paul asked an important question: Is Christ Divided? I Cor 1:13. A house divided against it self cannot stand. Mark 3:24-27. Christ will stand, the Church will prevail. Matt 16:18. Is it scriptural to divide Christians?

Dr. Smith said John R. Rice separated himself decisively. I assume he was saying John R. Rice did not associate with people with other beliefs and denominations. This seems to be in conflict with Dr. Rice’s book “False Doctrines”, copyright 1970. Quote, “I have many, many friends among the Assembly of God brethren. I was a guest speaker in the publishing house at Springfield some years ago, and in my big tent meeting there I had twenty-six Assembly of God ministers on the platform one night, and others night after night.” Page 243

Are Southern Baptist doctrines closer to Independent Baptist doctrines than Assembly of God? Dr. Rice did not separate himself physically. His separation was in doctrine and not in physical separation.

God loves me with all my imperfections and errors. He does not leave me with I fail Him. He sticks closer than a brother, even when I am unlovable. Jesus has put His love in me and I have to love my brother, even in his errors and shortcomings. Love never divides but brings together in Christ. When one accepts Christ the fruit of spirit must manifest itself in that life. Gal 5:22-23.

Dr. Rice said “Now a good Christian ought to welcome plain, honest talk from a well meaning Christian.” Page 244. I hope Dr. Smith takes this advice from Dr. Rice toward me. We are both brothers in Christ. We are going in the same destination, so let’s enjoy the trip together.

In Luke 9:49-50, John was complaining about someone outside his group. This complaining has a familiar sound to me. What did Jesus tell John? What is Jesus telling us today about other ministries? Was John glorifying Christ or himself? Romans 14:1 tells us to receive not reject a weaker brother. Do not dispute over doubtful things. In Romans 15:1 it says the strong are to bear with weakness of the weak, not to please ourselves. We are to glorify God and not self. Paul said there were contentions in Church. I Cor. 11:18. If all believers were of the same mindset as Independent Baptist, would God be glorified? Read I Cor 12:14-27. Is it necessary to have weak members in Body of Christ (v. 22)? Should we honor the less honorable members (v. 23)? There should be no division in Body of Christ. We should care one for another (v. 25). I Cor. 13 is written for people who have trouble fellowshipping and accepting fellow believers. Is your love for Church and Christ deep enough so that you are willing to glorify Christ and not self? We are all one family of God (Eph. 4:3-7). Do you have enough grace to love fellow Christians (v. 7). A Christian should be very careful in speech and written communication. Our speech should edify. Do not write or speak with bitterness. We should be kind and do not speak evil of one another. Eph. 4:29-32.

Is Dr. Smith preaching envy and strife? Is there selfish ambition? We should defend the gospel, not minor doctrine. Are Southern Baptist correct on the Gospel? Do Independent Baptist rejoice when Southern Baptist preach Christ? Phil 1:18. Are we glorifying ourselves or our separate independent denomination movement? Are we like John in Luke 9:49-50? Is our conduct worthy of the Gospel? Phil 1:27. We are born of one spirit and one mind. Do you have a mind and spirit to glorify God? Was everyone like minded with Paul? Phil 2:20. Verse 21 describes most of us. We seek our own. The degree of maturity will determine if we walk by the same rule and be of same mine. Phil 3:15-16. We are to hold fast to Christ, the head of the Church. We the Body are knit together to glorify God. Col. 2:19. What should be our attitude toward other brothers? Col 3:13-17. How should our speech be toward a brother? Col 4:6. Who teaches us to have brotherly love? I Thes 4:9. What does brotherly love lead to? I Thes 4:11. I like the part to do your own business. The independent Baptist have to get their own house in order before they correct the Southern Baptist.

There are times for brotherly separation. I Cor. 5. For a more complete study of the Christian fellowship I recommend a thorough study of I John. Sin, not doctrine, separates Christians. You can’t be a Christian unless you believe the basics of Christianity. How does sin separate? For every one born of God overcomes the world. I John 5:4. There are two ways to overcome the world. The first thing is to love God and obey His commands. I John 5:3. The second way to overcome the world is premature death (v.16). The sin unto death is to remain unrepentant and in daily sin and rebellion. Physical death will separate one from Christian fellowship on this earth. I am sure all people are in one accord on this statement. Does the Spirit of Diotrephes live today? He loved to be first. III John 9, Luke 9:46, 49. He wanted nothing to do with other Christians. He gossiped maliciously about other Christians. He refused to welcome brothers. He wanted to stop other brothers from fellowshipping and puts them out of the Church if they do so. Be careful of Spirit of Diotrephes. III John 9-10. Do not imitate that which is evil (v. 11)

Christianity is very simple, we make it complicated. II Cor. 11:3. Are Southern Baptist preaching another Jesus, different gospel? II Cor. 11:4. Even in the early church there were new movements. Is Southern Baptist preaching another gospel? Gal 1:6-9. Did Paul have conflict with Peter? And Barnabas? Gal 2:11. Is there any record of breaking fellowship? Are Baptist consuming one another in strife? Gal 5:15. Do we show fruit of spirit with other Baptist? Gal 5:22-23. Are we conceited toward other Baptist? Do we envy the Southern Baptist? Gal 5:26. If other Baptist are taken in trespass, are we to break fellowship or restore? Gal 6:1. Do we examine our own work or other Baptist’s works? Do we rejoice in our works or look at other Baptist’s works? Gal 6:4.

The Church is for glory of God, not our glory. God operates for his good pleasure. Eph 1:9. Do all Christians have unity of faith? Eph 4:13. What part do Independent Baptist Christians have in Body of Christ? Does growth within Body of Christ bring edification with love? Eph 4:16. Should Independent Baptist obey, Eph 4:31-32? When I read Dr. Smith’s writings I sense bitterness, wrath, anger and clamor. I do not sense kindness and forgiveness. I hear separation and condemnation. We are told not to fellowship with Southern Baptist. Is this in spirit of God? Eph 5:11. Are we to wrestle against Southern Baptist or do we obey? Eph 6:12. Is like minded having the same love? Being in one accord and of one mind? Phil 2:2. How is one accord achieved? How about lowliness of mind and esteem others better than ourselves. Phil 2:3. If God works in us it is not for our pleasure, but for his. Phil 2:13. When we complain and dispute, are we obeying God? Phil 2:14. Are Independent Baptist known for their moderation? Phil 4:5. What is the bond of perfection? Love. No fellowship, no love.

The church at Ephesus best describes the Independent Baptist during this end time. I base this opinion on 57 years in Independent Baptist church. Rev 2:1-11. The Independent Baptist are hard working. They labor in the field and have various outreach programs they persevere in a Godly manner. They are especially diligent in bearing them out which are evil. They test them that say they are men of God. They test them through scripture and mark them that are unscriptural. They have endured hardships and have not grown weary. They are like a tree planted by the river. I am not ashamed to be called an Independent Baptist. The question is have we lost our first love? There is no doubt the Independent Baptist loves the lord. This is evident through out their preaching, soul winning and doctrine. What is loving the Lord? Is it pure /doctrine? Is it programs? Is it being busy in the Lord’s work? Or is it loving one another? John 13:34, Matt 22:37-40. Does leaving your first love mean your love has grown cold? Matt 24:12. I don’t want to sound like Joel Olsteen, but love is part of whole council of God.

Is there evidence Independent Baptist have lost their first love? Let’s look at writings and teachings of Dr. John R. Rice from forty plus years ago. Dr. Rice was friendly toward other denominations. All Christians should talk to one another. A holier than-thou attitude hinders fellowship. He was glad for growth of other denominations. Dr. Rice was firm and uncompromising in his biblical beliefs, but always loved fellow believers. Have we lost this love today? Do we need to repent and retain our lamp stand? We need to be a vessel to show God’s light in this dark world. False Doctrines pages 242-247

I end my letter with a quote from Dr. Rice’s book, “Now, I have written you in brotherliness and I hope you will read it the same way. Of course the easy way would be simply never to have any contact with anybody who differs with you and who didn’t have your experience. Then always you could draw your holy robes around you and say that you have what everybody else has not. But, of course, you and I know that that is not the honest way and proper way for a Christian to deal with a scriptural matter, a doctrinal matter.”

In Christ,
Preston Laughinghouse, Sr.
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"The Independent Baptist Movement" was last modified Nov 19, 2008